2015年4月25日 星期六

形容詞子句 Adjective Clauses

As an English learner, moving from the beginning to the intermediate level, you must understand and be able to use adjective clauses. Unfortunately, many people give up here. I tried to write this grammar point as detailed as I can. Hope it'll help.

對於English不是母語的人來說,英文程度從beginning 晉升到 intermediate的關鍵是形容詞子句,很多人學到這就自動放棄了,實在很可惜.這篇我寫的比較詳細,所以花了比較長的時間,希望對你有幫助.

Which one? What kind of? Adding Information with Adjective Clauses

Do you want to write longer, smoother sentences that have more details in them? Well, adjective clauses are another great way to add more information and interesting details to your writing.

1. An adjective is a word that modifies or describes something. What does an adjective usually modify?
A: Noun or Pronoun

Circle all of the words that are adjectives below.


Answer Key


2. You have studied clauses and heard about independent and dependent clauses. Remember, every clause must contain two things. What are they?
A: A subject and a verb.


1. Adjective clauses, like adjectives, modify nouns or pronouns (or sometimes full sentences) and usually answer the questions "Which one?" or "What kind of?" They begin with either a relative pronoun (關係代名詞) or a relative adverb (關係副詞). These words are: who, whom, whose, which, that, (以上為關係代名詞) when, where (以上為關係副詞)

跟形容詞一樣,形容詞子句也是用來修飾名詞或代名詞 (有時候修飾前面整個句子,這種情況一慮用which,而且要加逗號,例句請看"限定與非限定形容詞子句""補充"), 形容詞子句通常指出 Which one What kind of ( 名詞子句則通常回答 What, 下一單元文法重點)

Ex. The person who wrote this grammar point is very smart (haha).
這個句子裡, 形容詞子句 "who wrote this grammar point" 修飾名詞 "person" 而且回答了 "Which one?"的問題

2. The relative word (pronoun or adverb) points back to the noun or pronoun that it modifies. The verb inside the adjective clause must agree with the subject that it modifies.

Ex. The cookies that Jack made were delicious.
The cookies 為複數,所以用were. (千萬別因為看到Jack,而用was)

3. 含有關係代名詞的句子的句構

先行詞 (Antecedent) + 關係代名詞 + 形容詞子句 + 餘句

* 如果上下兩句有重複出現的名詞時,這個名詞就是先行詞
* 通常我們會把第二個句子化為形容詞子句,此時別忘了,已化為先行詞的名詞,不得再重複出現.
* 根據先行詞及形容詞子句,決定正確的關係代名詞
* 第一個句子中,尚未寫完的部分,就是餘句

Ex. The man is Jack.
The man is standing by the door.

* The man: 為重複出現的名詞,就是先行詞.
* 第二個句子省略 The man, 就是形容詞子句
* The man 是人, is 是動詞, 故關係代名詞選擇 who, 當主格
* 第一個句子,剩下的 is Jack 尚未寫完,就是餘句

用關係代名詞合併兩個句子: The man who is standing by the door is Jack.


Look at the following examples and then fill in the blank to complete the rule.

1. I like people who have a good sense of humor.
Dixie, our dog, who had never have any puppies, was a happy dog.

RULE 1: Use who only for people or __________.
Who can replace a noun or the subject pronouns he, she, they.
若先行詞是人或寵物,而關係代名詞後接動詞,此時關係代名詞為who,為一主格,此時who可用that代替,不可省略. (關係代名詞為主格時,可將形容詞子句化簡為形容詞片語,後面會提到)

2. The man whom you saw was Mick.
Doo, my dog, whom I'd lived with for 17 years, was cute.

RULE 2: Use whom only for __________ or animals.
Whom can replace a noun or the object pronouns him, her, them.
**NOTE: It is most common to use who and whom only for people.
若先行詞是人或寵物,而關係代名詞後接"主詞+動詞",此時關係代名詞為whom,為一受格,可用that who 代替(較不正式), 可省略.
**: who whom 通常只用於人

3. This novel, which I borrowed from the school library, is very interesting.
I like movies which are disastrous.

RULE 3: Use which only for __________.
Which can replace a noun or the object and subject pronouns it, they, them.
若為"which + 動詞", which為主格,不可省略
若為"which + 主詞 + 動詞", which為受格,可省略

4. The book that is on the desk is mine. (that為主格,不可省略)
He is the man that I met at the store. (that為受格,可省略)

RULE 4: Use that for __________ or things.
That replaces a noun or the object and subject pronouns he, she, they, him, her, them, it.


* 先行詞有形容詞最高級時
This is the most boring movie that I have ever seen.
Yesterday was one of the coldest days that I have ever known.

* 先行詞前有序數者
I was the first person that went into the zoo yesterday.
This is the last thing that I will do.

* 先行詞包含人及非人
I saw Lew and his dog that were playing in the park.

* 先行詞前面若有不定代名詞 all, no, every, the only, the same, the very, any, little, much...
Mick is the only one that can figure this out for me.
He never says anything that is worth listening to.
There is not much that can be done.

* who, which, what, 所引導的疑問句,常用that 代替其他關係代名詞,因為避免 Who...who...., Which...which...的句子出現
Ex. Who is the woman that is dancing with Peter?
Ex. Which is the book that you bought yesterday?


* 介系詞之後不可用that
Ex. This is the house in which I was born.

* 逗號之後不可用that
Ex. My brother-in-law, who lives in Chicago, likes gourmet food.

* 所有格whose,不可用that代替
Ex. The students whose work is finished may go out and play.

* 先行詞是people, those (那些人), 關係代名詞用who,不可用that.
Ex. People who like sports are usually healthier.

5. The person whose books are on the table will be back soon.
New York is a city whose residents tend to be always in a rush.

RULE 5: Use whose for people or __________.
Whose replaces a possessive or the possessive pronouns his, her, their, its.
關係代名詞後面加名詞時,為一所有格,此時關係代名詞用whose, 不可省略,不可用that代替

6. Whenever I get into a situation in which it is hard to make a decision, I try to look at it from different perspectives.
(也可寫成Whenever I get into a situation which it is hard to make a decision in, I try to look at it from different perspectives.但較不正式)

The person to whom I was supposed to return the book is not home.
(也可寫成The person whom I was supposed to return the book to is not home.但較不正式)

RULE 6: Use a __________ (in, on, at, by to, etc.) + which, or + whom if your adjective clause contains a prepositional phrase.
如果形容詞子句中有介系詞,把介系詞移到關係代名詞之前,這時候的關係代名詞是受格 which whom

7. The car stopped at a place where three roads met.
I know a restaurant where the portions are huge.

RULE 7: Use where for a __________.
Where replaces there.
preposition(介系詞) + which = where
Ex. The restaurant where we ate is only open for dinner.
= The restaurant in which we ate is only open for dinner.

8. Wednesday is the day when I am most busy.
Childhood is the time when we make many friends.

RULE 8: Use when for __________.
When replaces then.
preposition(介系詞) + which = when
Ex. The professor has set new office hours for the times when we can go to get help with assignments.
= The professor has set new office hours for the times at which we can go to get help with assignments.

Answer Key:
RULE 1: Use who only for people or pets.
RULE 2: Use whom only for people or animals.
RULE 3: Use which only for things.
RULE 4: Use that for people or things.
RULE 5: Use whose for people or things.
RULE 6: Use a prepositional (in, on, at, by to, etc.) + which, or + whom if your adjective clause contains a prepositional phrase.
RULE 7: Use where for a place.
RULE 8: Use when for time.

Practice I: Combine these sentences using an appropriate relative pronoun to make an adjective clause. In the first five pairs of sentences, the noun in the first sentence that the adjective clause is to modify is underlined, and the noun or pronoun in the second sentence that refers to it and must be changed to who, that, or which is also underlined.

1. George bought a used car.
  It gave him endless problems.

2. He took it to a mechanic.
  He told him it would cost $500 to fix it.

3. George bought a car.
  He thought he would like it.

4. However, now he owns one.
  He hates it.

5. Fortunately, he found a mechanic.
  He does excellent work.

6. A problem is the harmful effect of automobiles on the environment.
  We have to face this problem.

7. Cars have a particularly damaging effect.
  The cars are not maintained properly.

8. But the gases still create serious atmospheric problems.
  Even new cars emit these gases.

9. The cars are primarily responsible for the smog in most of our cities.
  People drive these cars to and from work and around town on errands.

Answer Key

1. George bought a used car.
  It gave him endless problems.
  George bought a used car which gave him endless problems.

2. He took it to a mechanic.
  He told him it would cost $500 to fix it.
  He took it to a mechanic who told him it would cost $500 to fix it.

3. George bought a car.
  He thought he would like it.
  George bought a car which he thought he would like.

4. However, now he owns one.
  He hates it.
  However, now he owns one which he hates.`

5. Fortunately, he found a mechanic.
  He does excellent work.
  Fortunately, he found a mechanic who does excellent work.

6. A problem is the harmful effect of automobiles on the environment.
  We have to face this problem.
  A problem that we have to face is the harmful effect of automobiles on the environment.

7. Cars have a particularly damaging effect.
  The cars are not maintained properly.
  Cars which are not maintained properly have a particularly damaging effect.

8. But the gases still create serious atmospheric problems.
  Even new cars emit these gases.
  But the gases, which even new cars emit, still create serious atmospheric problems.

9. The cars are primarily responsible for the smog in most of our cities.
  People drive these cars to and from work and around town on errands.
  The cars, which people drive to and from work and around town on errands, are primarily responsible for the smog in most of our cities.

Types of adjective clauses 形容詞子句的種類
(also called "restrictive" and "non-restrictive"
          "necessary" and "non-necessary"
          "essential" and "non-essential")

限定與非限定形容詞子句 (有些文法書將非限定形容詞子句譯為"補述子句")

Identifying Adjective Clauses 限定
Non-Identifying Adjective Clauses 非限定
An identifying clause is not set off by commas; it contains information that is necessary to the meaning of the sentence because it identifies which thing/person/etc. you are writing about. You can use that, which, who, whom, whose, where, and when to begin an identifying adjective clause.

A non-identifying clause is set off by commas; it contains extra information that is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence because it does not identify which thing/person/etc. you are writing about. You cannot use that to begin a non-identifying adjective clause.
要加逗號,介於兩個逗號之間的資訊是額外的補充,也就是說,就算刪掉,讀者還是知道你說的是什麼, 可用任何一個關係代名詞或關係副詞引導形容詞子句,不可用that.

The TV show about food in schools which airs on Sunday nights is my mom's favorite.
電視上有許多shows是關於food in schools,但我媽最愛的是which airs on Sunday nights,這個形容詞子句(每星期天晚上播映的)是必要的資訊,要不然,我們就不知道是哪個show
The TV show about food in schools, which airs on Sunday nights, is my mom's favorite.
電視上只有一個show是關於food in schools,兩個逗號之間which airs on Sunday nightsextra的資訊,可有可無,因為就算刪掉,我們還是知道是哪一個show.

My sister whose schedule is busy is a doctor.
(I have many sisters.)

My sister, whose schedule is busy, is a doctor.
(I have only one sister.)
He has two daughters who are not yet married.
他還有兩個未婚的女兒. (有結了婚的,有未結婚的,他至少有三個以上的女兒)
(He has at least three daughters.)
He has two daughters, who are not yet married.
(He has two daughters.)

Her father who just returned from America yesterday will come to the party.
(She has at least two fathers.)

Her father, who just returned from America yesterday, will come to the party.
(She has one father.)
The grapes that are grown in Livermore are delicious.

形容"專有名詞 (Proper Noun)", almost都是non-identify.
 Livermore, which is in California, is a great city.

補述用法 (非限定形容詞子句)

1. They have invited me to dinner, which is very kind of them.
2. She has to work on weekends, which she does not like.
3. He missed the train,which annoyed him very much.

* He deleted the pictures, which upset me. ---> The action upset me.
* He deleted the pictures that/which upset me. ---> The pictures upset me.

Practice II: Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer or answer the question.

1. My friend that lives in San Francisco is very kind.
A. I likely have only one friend.
B. I likely have more than one friend.

2. My friend, who lives in San Francisco, is very kind.
A. I likely have only one friend.
B. I likely have more than one friend.

3. Students that study hard learn English well.
A. All students learn English well.
B. Only some students learn English well.

4. Students, who study hard, learn English well.
A. All students learn English well.
B. Only some students learn English well.

5. Kevin passed the exam in his English class, which made him feel great!
What does the adjective clause in this sentence modify?

Answer Key
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. The adjective clause modifies the whole main clause.

這個網站很不錯, the OWL at Purduc.

3 Ways of Reducing Adjective Clauses

We can omit the pronoun if it's followed by a subject.
第一種方法: 如果是"關係代名詞 + 主詞" (也就是關係代名詞當受格時) ---> 直接省略關係代名詞

1. The dish (that) you have just eaten contained MSG.
2. Is this the closet (which) you keep the linen in?
3. The man (whom) you were talking to is my brother.
4. We chose a place (that) we liked.
5. Lucas is the wisest man (that) I know.
6. The foreigner (whom) we met in the coffee shop is an American.

**注意: 只有在限定子句裡才可省略受格的關係代名詞
Ex. Lida, whom you saw, is twenty-five years old. (非限定,不可省略whom)
Ex. The woman (whom) you saw is twenty-five years old. (限定,可省略whom)

**注意: 如果是 "介系詞 +關係代名詞 + 主詞" --->雖然關係代名詞當受格,但不可省略
Ex. The church (which/that) we went to is nearby. (可省略which that)
Ex. The church to which we went is nearby. (which之前有介系詞to,不可省略)
Ex. Is that the woman (whom) you are talking about? (可省略whom)
Ex. Is that the woman about whom you are talking? (whom之前有介系詞about,不可省略)

There are 2 ways to reduce an adjective clause to an adjective phrase.

How can I identify an adjective phrase?
An adjective phrase usually starts with an adverb or a preposition or a participle. It can be placed before or after the noun or pronoun it describes.

1. He is from Boston.
2. The very beautiful woman walked down the street.
3. This is the end of a very long road.
4. Did you see the man leaving the shop?
5. The mother of the boys was just as bad.
6. The books on the floor are Mary's.
7. The girl beside John is my cousin.
8. The woman calling my name is my teacher.
9. A person without courage is a knife without an edge.

*You can reduce the clause to phrase if pronoun + be verb
第二種方法: 如果是"關係代名詞 + be動詞" ---> 去掉關係代名詞和be動詞

1. The rich man who is living in a rural area works for UCB.
2. The land that is reserved is sacred.
3. The woman who was calling my name is my teacher.
4. Have you seen the movie that is recommended in this newspaper?
5. The man who was driving the car was drunk.
6. Do you know the number of the people who are coming to the party?
7. The person who is smoking there is my uncle.
8. This is the camera which was given me by Mick.

*Take out pronoun, change verb to ~ing (not always, be careful!)
第三種方法: 如果是"關係代名詞 + 一般動詞"---> 去掉關係代名詞,將一般動詞改為 Ving形式
即將形容詞子句化簡為形容詞片語 (跟所有文法規則一樣,總是有例外,所以請謹慎)

1. The women are from many countries which include including Thailand, Vietnam, and the US.
2. The group has a lot of women who consist consisting of people of all ages.
3. I like people who have having a good sense of humor.
4. People who live living in big cities do not know rural pleasure.
5. Any man who has having common sense can see the reason.
6. The student who answered answering the question was Audrey.
7. The suitcase that belongs belonging to Phil is lost.

Practice III: Change the following sentences from adjective clauses to adjective phrases. (I copied these sentences from the Internet.)
將下列句子中的形容詞子句改為形容詞片語 (句子都是從網路來的)

1. He and a number of fellow students at St. Mark's school near Colwich, Kan., are protesting the new USDA school-lunch regulations that limit the number of calories in a given meal, saying they don't think they get enough food.

2. Representative Steve King (R., Iowa) has introduced a piece of legislation that is called the “No Hungry Kids Act” to eliminate calorie caps on school lunches.

3.They have met the federal requirements and also have achieved the even stricter standards of the Cleveland Clinic’s Eat Right at School program, which calls for lower sodium levels and more fiber than the federal guidelines. 

4. To illustrate the severity of the country’s weight problem, Concannon shared statistics that showed that 27 percent of American males and females between the ages of 17 and 24 are so overweight they are ineligible for military service.

5. North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring introduced the policy statement that was approved by the group during its annual meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, this week.

6. There are a number of reasons kids today have more health-related problems that are associated with their weight than kids did 20 years ago.

7. Maybe that's why I witnessed some kids who were eating the sour cream right out of the package or putting it on their lettuce to eat it instead of putting it on their taco.

8. Of the 680 students who attend Rodgers, 97% receive free or reduced lunch, said Principal Ramon Cruz.

9. With the poverty numbers not changing, MPS and other large urban districts have become more than educational centers; they have become social service agencies, who are responsible now not only for educating but feeding and providing medical attention such as minor dental work and psychological care in many instances.

10. Pam Harris, who is the district food service supervisor and a registered dietitian, said the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, touted by first lady Michelle Obama was too abrupt and that the one-size-fits-all model will not help an overweight kid in school.

Answer Key

1. He and a number of fellow students at St. Mark's school near Colwich, Kan., are protesting the new USDA school-lunch regulations that limit limiting the number of calories in a given meal, saying they don't think they get enough food.

2. Representative Steve King (R., Iowa) has introduced a piece of legislation that is called the “No Hungry Kids Act” to eliminate calorie caps on school lunches.

3.They have met the federal requirements and also have achieved the even stricter standards of the Cleveland Clinic’s Eat Right at School program, which calls calling for lower sodium levels and more fiber than the federal guidelines. 

4. To illustrate the severity of the country’s weight problem, Concannon shared statistics that showed showing that 27 percent of American males and females between the ages of 17 and 24 are so overweight they are ineligible for military service.

5. North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring introduced the policy statement that was approved by the group during its annual meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, this week.

6. There are a number of reasons kids today have more health-related problems that are associated with their weight than kids did 20 years ago.

7. Maybe that's why I witnessed some kids who were eating the sour cream right out of the package or putting it on their lettuce to eat it instead of putting it on their taco.

8. Of the 680 students who attend attending Rodgers, 97% receive free or reduced lunch, said Principal Ramon Cruz.

9. With the poverty numbers not changing, MPS and other large urban districts have become more than educational centers; they have become social service agencies, who are responsible now not only for educating but feeding and providing medical attention such as minor dental work and psychological care in many instances.

10. Pam Harris, who is the district food service supervisor and a registered dietitian, said the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, touted by first lady Michelle Obama was too abrupt and that the one-size-fits-all model will not help an overweight kid in school.

Find all the adjective clauses/phrases and underline them in chapter 1 of Book 1 of Harry Potter.
請找出Harry Potter第一冊第一章裡所有的形容詞子句和形容詞片語,並畫上底線.


功課做完後準備考試...題目我還沒出就是了 ^ _ *


